During this workshop, participants will learn the ancient and holistic technique of pranayama yoga for vital life force energy. Practice simple breathing techniques that can be used in daily life.
This special event workshop is hosted by Manjula Khanna. The workshop includes 2 - 75 minute sessions, in consecutive weeks. While participants do not need to take both sessions, it is encouraged as different topics will be shared each session.
Per day ticket is $20
Pranayama Yoga is the ancient practice of controlling the flow of the life force into our bodies through the breath. In Sanskrit, “prana” means ‘vital life force’, and “yama” means ‘to gain control’. Regular practice of Pranayama reduces stress and enhances mental clarity leading to ‘meditative state’ of mind. In this workshop you will learn many Pranayama techniques to eliminate stress, transform negative emotions to support the whole physiology.
In this Workshop you would learn many Pranayama techniques, such as Ujjai (Victorious Breath), Bhastrika (Bellows breath). Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril breath) and few more to eliminate stress, transform negative emotions to support the whole physiology. The practice is done by sitting on a chair or on yoga mat on floor. No prior experience is needed, all are welcome.